Yassuo Shows Off His Inner Faker In Twitch Rivals Play

TwitchBeat - February 19, 2020
Yassuo Shows Off His Inner Faker In Twitch Rivals Play

Twitch Rivals is a live streamed series of showdowns between streamers hosted by Twitch. During the first day of the tournament, Moe Abdalrhman aka Yassuo surprised his team with his clear outplay. Lee Sang-hyeok aka Faker is a South Korean professional player of League of Legends. He has achieved that status by winning 3 League of Legends World Championships and many other trophies in only 5 years.

Yassuo’s team battled it out against the undefeated team of Sneaky Dogs which was led by Zachary Scuderi aka Sneaky. Yassuo played in the final match against frostprime’s zilean. He pulled out his inner Faker skills when using Sweeping Blade on the jungle camp in order to go through and clear the jungle wall, flash and then follow up with his Q, Steel Tempest, his ignite, an auto attack and another Sweeping Blade. Just with that, he picked up firstblood. He finished the final match with a 10/0/4 lead and gave his team the victory in just 26 minutes of gametime

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