xQc Loses 2 Million Twitch Followers

TwitchBeat - April 14, 2021
xQc Loses 2 Million Twitch Followers

Twitch officially confirmed that it banned over seven million viewer and follower bots, affecting many streamers including one of the biggest personalities on twitch, Felix Lengyel aka xQc. Twitch recently announced that they are working on clamping down on over 7 million bots that were found to be artificially boosting account numbers. It turned out that xQc was the first major figure to be impacted. All of these detected bot accounts are being removed.

Twitch said streamers “may see sudden decreases in your follower and viewer count over the coming days.” While xQc was the fifth most followed streamer on Twitch with around 8,112,870 followers prior to this purge, after the bots were removed, he dropped to 5,934,825 followers, losing around 2.2 million overall. Twitch streamer xQc wasn’t the only streamer impacted by Twitch’s ban, but a significant portion of the recently banned bots followed the popular streamer. These viewer and follower bots artificially boosted various account numbers, including xQc’s, and Twitch continues to ban them as they reveal themselves.

The numbers shown through Twitch tracking websites match drops in followers tracked directly through xQc’s official Twitch analytics. Twitch has officially confirmed that it has identified over 7.5 million bots that break terms of service on the platform by follow-botting and view-botting, but it’s likely that the crackdown will continue throughout the month. While having streaming on the same day, twitch streamer xQc corroborated that he had lost around 2 million followers. But, as most would likely agree that subscribers matter much more, he told his chat; “the followers mean nothing to me”.

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