xQc Does Not Collaborate With Other Streamers

TwitchBeat - August 10, 2021
xQc Does Not Collaborate With Other Streamers

During a recent live broadcast, Twitch streamer Felix Lengyel has explained to his fans and viewers why he doesn’t collaborate with other twitch’s big stars admitting that he hates doing it.

We all know that twitch streamer xQc has become one of the most popular streamers on twitch gaining more than 9 million followers on his channel where he plays a variety of games. But despite being massively popular, fans and viewers seem to notice that xQc hasn’t been streaming or collaborating with other big name streamers on the platform.

Generally, he likes to stream on his own rather than collaborating with other streamers. And when he does collaborate with them, it leads to drama more often than not. The best example for this is when he played on the OTV rust server, he ended up getting clashed with streamers like Pokelawls and Myth leading him to eventually leave the server. Also, when he started playing on the GTA RP server, he got banned multiple times following clashes with other streamers.

However, it seems like butting heads with other streamers isn’t the reason why he’s now done with collaborations as he discussed this during his recent stream where he explains some reasons as to why he prefers playing games on his own. Here’s what he said; “Interacting other streamers is actual cancer. Not because of them. I’m not going to lie. It’s because of you—the people who watch them. People are just f**king annoying. I’m going to be real. F**king cancer.”

He explained that whenever he hangs out or streams with other content creators, people act like nothing else matters and start commenting on anything they do and he claims that this what annoys him. He’s sick and tired of viewers making a big deal about it and flooding the internet with posts and updates about their interactions.

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