xQc And Mizkif Schooled Drama

TwitchBeat - May 16, 2021
xQc And Mizkif Schooled Drama

Mizkif’s Twitch game show ‘Schooled’ has created an absolute fiasco all over the internet recently. The drama started when twitch streamer and OTK member Mizkif went on a long rant about how people were stealing from him. Now, many streamers including xQc, Ludwig, and Alinity who didn’t even take part in the show have been sharing their own opinion on the matter.

After Kaceytron admitted that she was cheating into the recent Mizkif’s quiz show ‘Schooled!’, other streamers such as Amouranth and QTCinderella were also accused of cheating. Naturally, QTCinderella’s boyfriend, Ludwig Ahgren has defended her girlfriend from the allegations stating that just because she changes her answer from Greece when the question is ‘what city in Greece..’, doesn’t mean she is cheating.

Now, during twitch streamer Felix Lengyel aka xQc’s May 15th live broadcast, he watched the clip where ludwig defended her girlfriend and here was his response; “This is my real true take about this. This is why, whenever we start playing Among Us or other games – any games at all like this. It’s why I always make an effort to close the monitor. Why? Because I believe cheating is black and white. It’s not really a grey area. Either you cheat or you don’t cheat. Whether you cheat a little bit with chat, or a little bit with emotes… you’re all in the black dude. I don’t wanna shit on him or Miz, but if you have an open chat and they’re doing emotes and steering things in the direction, it’s still cheating.” xQc has experienced his own share of controversy for similar reasons as back in November of 2020, he was banned from Twitch for allegedly ‘stream sniping’ in a Fall Guys tournament to gain an advantage.

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