Will Dream Do A Face Reveal?

Amiel Rose Andres - February 28, 2022
Will Dream Do A Face Reveal?

Dream fans could be in for an incredible treat as the Minecraft creator has teased a real-life version of his fan-favorite manhunt might come to fruition.  Dream has created a unique environment for content makers in Minecraft. The YouTuber is well known for his Minecraft Manhunts, which have millions of views. He frequently collaborates with TommyInnit and GeorgeNotFound. If you were disappointed to find that Dream’s ‘Final Manhunt’ could be the series’ final episode, have no fear: the content creator is planning a much bigger endeavor in the future.

Dream started his video ‘Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters GRAND FINALE’ with the goal of an IRL continuation. However, in order to make it a reality, the YouTuber has set a lofty objective for himself.

He said; “This is it for all the marbles. The final Minecraft Manhunt. BUT if this video gets 2 million likes, we’ll do a Minecraft manhunt in real life when George comes to America, which is real soon”.

As of this writing, the video has 1.5 million likes and is growing at an exponential rate by the hour. So don’t be shocked if the video reaches its intended audience soon. Dream also stated that they’ve “even scouted an area for it” and that if the video reaches its target, they “might consider doing 6 hunters.” 

When the IRL version of the Minecraft Manhunt happens, which is quite likely, fans may get a chance to glimpse who is behind the mask. Make sure to remain up to date with Dream’s future project until additional official information is disclosed.

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