Where Are They?

TwitchBeat - November 23, 2020
Where Are They?

xQc received a 7-day ban from Twitch after he was caught stream sniping. (Stream-sniping is looking at another player’s stream while you’re on the same game.) xQc went viral last week after the incident. xQc is a former Overwatch player and is currently one of the top streamers on Twitch.

xQc’s latest suspension was his third one this year. The first time was in February when he played an explicit version of Connect Four and the CG opponent took his clothes off. The second was when he showed two gorillas having sex. Now the third one was his recent controversy where he cheated while playing in a tournament.

Many are asking where his fans are going or to who they are now watching while xQc is away. It might not be impossible to pin down exactly where his viewers are. There’s a strong chance that some of them are spending some time with Mizkif.

Mizkif is another variety streamer, and since xQc was banned from Twitch, mizkif’s channel has seen an increase in viewership, doubling his average viewership during this week.

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