Tyler1 Will Fly To South Korea

Amiel Rose Andres - April 18, 2022
Tyler1 Will Fly To South Korea

Tyler1, a well-known League of Legends Twitch streamer, has undertaken a number of challenges throughout the years. And he maintains a high level in the game, as evidenced by his achievement of Challenger status in every role in February 2022.

But now he’s looking for a new challenge. He disclosed his plans to fly to South Korea and try to replicate the challenge on the very competitive server on his stream last night. In South Korea, he’ll “autofill to Challenger” and travel with fellow streamer and friend tarzaned. He stated that they will not necessarily play pair queue games together, but that they will work together for IRL streaming. 

He intends to stay in the country for 30 days, stating that he will not be able to prolong his stay because he has “a lot of things” scheduled for the following months. 

It’s also probable that he’ll work with Riot Games in some capacity during the Mid-Season Invitational in Busan, which will take place from May 10th to 29th. He intends to stay in the country for the duration of the event. However, the streamer has yet to clarify whether he would attend the event or anything else he has planned while in South Korea. 

Many League teams and players from around the world are preparing to travel to South Korea before the start of the Summer Split to play on the server, which has been made easier by the removal of required quarantine upon arrival. Despite the fact that COVID-19 instances have lately increased due to the Omicron variant, the country has abandoned its “zero COVID” plan and abolished most sanitary restrictions, including travel quarantine, for the first time since the global pandemic began.

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