Tyler1 Slams LCS Walkout

Amiel Rose Andres - June 1, 2023
Tyler1 Slams LCS Walkout

Tyler1 called the NACL, the second ‘tier’ of North American League of Legends, nothing more than a “comfortable home” for “paycheck thieves” who do nothing to deserve the comfy income they’re receiving during his Twitch stream earlier today, roasting the continuing LCS walkout into oblivion.

The controversial decision by Riot Games to end LCS teams’ requirement to compete in the NACL, according to the streaming star, was the right one because no one watches it, 90% of the players who participate in it will never be good enough to compete in the LCS, and all it has ever done is cause organizations to lose money. Like many who advocate the walkout say, Tyler1 claimed that the league has never been anything more than a “comfortable place for [players] to slowly eat paychecks.”

He feels that there are a lot of retired professionals there looking to make quick cash. His calculations place their annual salary at roughly $75,000, which is in line with The Verge’s 2017 story on the minimal income League players may make.

Unlike LCS players though, he claims NACL players do the “bare minimum of anything” to earn their keep. “They’re not making their organizations stronger. They’re not popular. There’s nothing. They’re not doing anything,” he said.

For those who claim it’s to foster skill, those gamers won’t be leaving the Academy, the streamer continued. 90% will never witness LCS. The know. Experts are aware. Coaches are aware. Everyone is aware. They won’t ever approach the LCS. Tyler1 stated that, in his opinion, Riot should no longer need organizations to participate. And he would support it wholeheartedly if it consisted primarily of young League players who stood to gain promotion to the LCS. But he adamantly maintains such is not the case. Additionally, he says good riddance because it doesn’t get many viewers as compared to LCS stats. 

It’s undeniably a controversial viewpoint that runs against to community consensus.

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