Tyler1 Reaches Challenger With Every Role

Amiel Rose Andres - February 19, 2022
Tyler1 Reaches Challenger With Every Role

Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp, a streamer, has reached Challenger in the fifth and final role of his quest to reach the highest rank in League of Legends while playing every position in the game.

Tyler1 rose to prominence as a popular streamer and bot lane player, primarily identified with Draven and an aggressive style of play. Tyler1 has started to show up in new lanes and positions in League of Legends in recent years. This started with a jungle binge that saw him progress from Draven to Olaf, finally reaching Challenger in his new role. The reformed streamer appeared to have set his eyes on hitting Challenger with every role in League of Legends at that moment.

The route went from jungle to top lane, top lane to mid lane, and mid lane to support. This multi-year quest came to an end on February 19, when Nautilus won a late-night solo queue triumph. Tyler’s reaction was as exuberant and loud as one might expect from such a well-known streamer.

Tyler1 would go on to claim after his victory that providing support had been the easiest duty to play along his journey. While he attributed this to the ease of the role, having Challenger-level experience in every other role before making his way to support certainly eased the transition. Tyler’s first-hand knowledge of matchups, lane states, and the needs of his teammates makes him well cut out for the role. 

Fans were ecstatic to see him achieve this latest feat, and a post congratulating him soon made the League of Legends subreddit’s home page. Tyler1 has accomplished something that no other player on the earth has accomplished in thousands of games across all five roles. Few players who make it to Challenger can compete at such a high level in multiple roles, and even fewer have made it with all five.

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