Twitch Viewer ‘TwoBreaths’ Donates $200k to Vtuber Streamer

TwitchBeat - June 29, 2021
Twitch Viewer ‘TwoBreaths’ Donates $200k to Vtuber Streamer

A twitch viewer that goes by the name ‘TwoBreaths’ has decided to donate a whopping amount of money of $200,000 to a Twitch Vtuber AeriytheNeko but didn’t even react.

Twitch Vtuber AeriytheNeko has described their animated character as “a mute kitty on the hunt for head parts” The VR chat on twitch has been their home ever since they started out being a Vtuber. Even though AeriytheNeko plays a ‘mute’ character that dances around on stream, they claim that they aren’t mute in real life, but choose not to speak because they’re well-trained.

However, during one of their recent live broadcast, Vtuber AeriytheNeko has proven to be a smash hit among their fans as a twitch viewer that goes by the name TwoBreaths, who is known to be gifting thousands of subs to the streamer over the past few weeks, have decide to donate a whopping $200,000 to the Vtuber.

While Twitch Vtuber AeriytheNeko’s character was dancing live on stream, the name TwoBreaths appeared on stream that shows that TwoBreaths gave a $100,000 donation. Then it was soon followed by four separate $25,000 donations. But, Vtuber AeriytheNeko who is described as a ‘mute’ character, didn’t react with any of the emotion, instead, they giggled and kept on dancing, although they almost certainly would have been jumping up and down with joy behind the scenes.

It wasn’t the first time that Twitch viewer TwoBreaths made a massive donation to a Vtuber on the platform as they also donated $50,000 to MurderCrumpet. MurderCrumpet is another popular Vtuber with more than 55,000 followers on the platform.

So, it’s fair to say that wherever TwoBreaths is getting the money from, there’s lots of it. However, there’s been some concern about the validity of the donations.