Twitch Stream Captures Scary Moment

Amiel Rose Andres - December 18, 2022
Twitch Stream Captures Scary Moment

Over the past four years or so, Twitch’s content choice has greatly increased, and among the things users can now expect to discover on the network are, reportedly, truckers going about their daily lives.

Former roadside technician became over-the-road semi-truck driver OTR Penguin. He usually only posts humdrum ride-along videos, but yesterday’s stream included a footage that was the stuff of every driver’s worst nightmare. An ancient red pickup vehicle in the incoming lane slowly crossed the double yellow line into Penguin’s lane as he was driving down what appeared to be a pretty narrow two-way backroad roadway. Penguin had nothing to move but hope that the red vehicle would be directed back into its own lane. Although it appeared to be, the red truck did not cross sufficiently to avoid sideswiping Penguin’s semi-truck.

Penguin was forced to the shoulder of the incredibly narrow road after throwing the truck off balance, but as it stopped after running through some tiny trees, the semi-truck toppled over due to the low ditch next to the road.

While the majority of OTR Penguin’s videos receive fewer than 100 views, this terrible incident gained popularity because to the Livestream Fails subreddit. More than 90,000 people viewed it in less than a day.

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