Twitch Addresses “The N Word”

TwitchBeat - December 19, 2020
Twitch Addresses “The N Word”

On December 9th, Twitch announced that they have updated their policy regarding the platform’s Hateful Conduct and Harassment Policy. This new policy protects woman, members of LGBTQIA+ community, Black and Indigenous people and people of color from discrimity and hateful comments.

Twitch made it clear that their goals were “to take a clearer and more consistent stance against hate and harassment, and to give you [the community] greater insight on what is and isn’t acceptable on Twitch.”

They also posted a tweet on their official twitter account about the use of the “the N word”. They made it clear that the word will not be tolerated and it’s also already been blocked across the entire platform. They also added a tweet saying that “regardless of spelling or pronunciation, slurs used for the purpose of hate or harassment are not allowed.”

Many users of the platform praised them and even posted positive feedback for taking action regarding the issue and some still took it in a wrong way and said that what took them this long for Twitch to take action.

This new policy is scheduled to start on January 22, 2021.