Trick2G Switches From Playing To Coaching

TwitchBeat - January 10, 2020
Trick2G Switches From Playing To Coaching

Timothy Foley aka Trick2G was originally a captain of the Twitch Rivals League of Legends Team Draft tournament in January. When he heard that his girlfriend was giving birth on January 21st, he received the coaching position.

He announced in his Twitch chat that he will not be playing for his team during the tournament that he was part of. Trick2G doesn’t want to dedicate himself to playing due to the upcoming birth of his child. He has been watching from the sidelines instead of playing to jungle and exhibits his famed Udyr.

Team Trick2G looked like one of the weakest squads for Twitch Rivals with a mishmash of relatively unknown players. Nevertheless, with the help of Trick as a coach, they may be able to pull a few cards out of their sleeves and get the game on their hands. Regardless of the result, Trick2G will be at his girlfriend’s side to support her when she delivers their first child. This way, he can stay involved in the tournament without any distractions in his mind. Trick’s coaching role won’t be incredibly different from the role as team captain he was already placed in.

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