#StopDMCA Trends On Twitter

TwitchBeat - December 16, 2020
#StopDMCA Trends On Twitter

During the past few months, streamers on the Twitch streaming platform have been hit out by the DMCA copyright takedown strike. This has caused them to delete every video that they have on their channel just to avoid getting banned on the platform. Now, U.S senator Thom Tillis is attempting to enforce punishments on those who are caught using copyrighted material.

Recently, he proposed a bill that would give law enforcement officials an effective tool that will be used to punish content creators who breach copyright. If this bill passes, content creators offenders may face jail time. Because of this, the Twitch and YouTube communities are protesting the proposed bill. Many have shared on twitter their criticism, using the hashtag #StopDMCA. It quickly began trending on twitter in the U.S.

The popular YouTuber TheQuartering shared on a twitter post what he claims to be a list of donors for Senator Tillis’s campaign including the list of many well-known record and production companies that could potentially be the catalyst for the recent DMCA influx. The Twitch platform recommends their streamers to avoid playing potentially copyrighted music on stream and to remove any old VODs or clips that could potentially include this material.