SolidFPS Is Banned From New World

TwitchBeat - November 3, 2021
SolidFPS Is Banned From New World

After abusing two different exploits while live streaming on Twitch, Twitch streamer and TSM member SolidFPS was temporarily banned from New World.

Since the release of Amazon’s MMO New World on September 28th, players have discovered a slew of bugs and exploits in the game. While some of the bugs are more serious than others, one in particular has resulted in the banning of a well-known Twitch streamer from the game.

Twitch streamer who used to be a pro-PUBG player SolidFPS, was streaming New World last November 2nd when he was banned for the entire day. The ban stems from an exploit he was using known as animation canceling, which entails switching between two fire staff weapons in order to continuously use abilities on a boss to pump massive amounts of damage into it.

On stream, he combined this exploit with another trick of walking out of render distance of the boss his group was farming in order to repeatedly trigger its respawn.

He received his New World ban for “cheating” just as he was about to explain why he was abusing the animation canceling trick.

SolidPFPS wasn’t surprised when he got the ban because he knew using the exploits would result in some sort of punishment. It didn’t help that he was live streaming the exploits; with so many people watching him, someone was bound to report him.

He responded to his suspension with a tweet mocking those who were outraged by his use of the animation canceling feature. However, canceling animations isn’t the only popular exploit in the game right now. Players who take advantage of a new gold duplicating bug will be banned.

Hopefully, these bugs and glitches will be fixed for New World players so that the game can become more fluid.

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