Sodapoppin Shares Thoughts on Day Off Twitch Protest

TwitchBeat - August 25, 2021
Sodapoppin Shares Thoughts on Day Off Twitch Protest

Twitch streamer Chance Morris aka sodapoppin shares some thoughts about the ‘day off Twitch’ protest as he says that he does not expect that the protest will help combat hate raids and racist bot spam.

In the past weeks, some streamers have been struggling as they were getting attacked by so-called Hate raids and it is getting out of hand as the time goes by. Hate raids is where trolls overwhelm streamers’ chats with bot-powered fake accounts that spam hateful messages.

Hate raids have existed in various forms for years but became a larger Twitch concern earlier this month after a streamer by the name RekItRaven posted a video of themselves getting raided. Because of this, many streamers have been planning on making a protest, a one-day boycott of the platform to draw attention to what they are facing.

According to Twitch streamer Lucia Everblack – who was the one of the first to draw attention to it – the boycott is set to take place on September 1 and has a lot of backing. However, it seems like not everyone is convinced that the move will help with the problem. During a recent live broadcast, Twitch streamer Sodapoppin stated that he’s not sure the boycott will work. In fact, he believes it could make matters worse.

Here’s what he said; “What is taking a day off going to do? I don’t get it… I mean I guess it’s like oh wow all the streamers take time off Twitch I guess we really should fix this, but like what the f**k, isn’t that just giving it more attention?” Sodapoppin is not the only streamer who expressed doubts on the matter as Twitch streamer Asmongold has also recently cited the fact that these streamers are often ones with small audiences and that no one will care if they take a day off because no one knows who they are.

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