Shroud Supports LIRIK

TwitchBeat - April 23, 2021
Shroud Supports LIRIK

C9 keeoh became the source of tension after he crashed one of the great players in Esports. The Annihilator Cup happened when Twitch recently organized this month-long tournament. There are 20 top creators who joined this tournament. One of them is Shroud, Lirik and C9 Keeoh.

In Mortal Kombat 11, Shroud competed against other players. During the third game, it became smooth for Shroud. It looks like all his practice pays off. He tried all the combos to destroy his opponents. Shroud wins in a lot of matches but he was shocked when C9 Keeoh’s defeated him. C9 Keeoh completely destroyed Shroud by using Sheeva and used her potential to the maximum extent. This character became infamous for her gimmick that is why the competitive players like Shroud encountered problems in dealing with this. After Shroud being destroyed by Keeoh, he supported Lirik. Shroud expressed his anger and told Lirik to beat his a*s. Nonetheless, Keeoh was defeated by Lirik after all.

Keeoh apologized for using Sheeva aggressively after what had happened. He explained that he is not a mortal kombat expert. He just picked a character that he thought would work. He added that he did not expect that there would be a lot of reaction on chat. He concluded that he is not trying to make any bad impressions toward any individual.

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