Shroud Lashes Out at “Clown” Valorant Stream Snipers

TwitchBeat - April 20, 2021
Shroud Lashes Out at “Clown” Valorant Stream Snipers

One of the most popular Twitch streamer Michael Grzesiek most commonly known online as Shroud have called stream snipers “clowns” and “bitches” during his recent live broadcast after a nail-biting Rated game in Valorant. Stream snipers has been considered as one of the biggest problems of the streamers these days.

Knowing twitch streamer shroud, he is cool, calm, and collected at the best and worst of times, however, during one of his recent live broadcast while playing valorant, even though he know that he could manage to beat his opponents who is stream sniping, it didn’t stop him from dishing out some heated words. During the match game, it became abundantly clear some people on the other team were stream sniping as it looks like they knew where shroud was almost every time and always obnoxiously killed him. Because of this, Shroud came lashing out; “Oh, these guys are so fucking boring dude! You know what I’m saying? This game would have been over. Literally, like 12 – 4, if they weren’t stream sniping. These fucking clowns.”

Luckily, despite this, Shroud still managed to overcome the odds and beat them with his exceptional skills as he reflected on the ordeal afterward, calling them “a bunch of stream sniping bitches” and urged them to “just play the damn game.” It’s not often you see Shroud get this worked up, even though his reaction was tame compared to other streamers.

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