Shroud Is Blocked

TwitchBeat - January 12, 2021
Shroud Is Blocked

Getting raided is one of the great things that will happen to a twitch streamer especially if you are just starting. That’s why Twitch big starts often helped small streamers by raiding them and passing their viewers to them.

Another famous streamer Michael Grzesiek also known as Shroud decided to raid another streamer with his 90,000 viewers after his rust stream.

He attempted to start the raid and then a message of error from Twitch was shown to him saying that he has too many viewers and that he wasn’t able to send it to another streamer. The message read; “Sorry, you have more viewers than the maximum capacity supported by Twitch.” Shroud looked really confused by the message and read it again to understand it more clearly.

After he understood the message, he asked his viewers to do the leg work and to go to another small streamer’s stream and watch them. He explained that the raid isn’t happening anymore and jokingly said that he is now “too famous” and used the words of Dj Khaled; “suffering from success”.

There are still no concrete answers as to why Shroud wasn’t able to raid streamers. The Twitch guide regarding channel raids says nothing about maximum viewer limit.

Being raided by famous streamers acts as a way of showcasing new streamers on Twitch. Many are hoping that this was just a glitch and not a new restriction from twitch that will prevent twitch stars like Shroud from helping out starting streamers.

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