Riot Games Sends Medals To Tyler1

Amiel Rose Andres - February 23, 2022
Riot Games Sends Medals To Tyler1

Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp, a streamer, achieved Challenger rank in all five League of Legends roles, and Riot Games awarded Tyler 1 special medals to congratulate him.

The League of Legends developer sent the streamer a massive box, which he unwrapped live on camera. Five bespoke medals with the dates of his most recent efforts in each role were sewed into the cloth of a strong black carrying box. Tyler1 is arguably the most well-known League of Legends player in the English-speaking world, and Riot Games has taken note. He established the goal of becoming a Challenger in each of League of Legends’ five roles: top lane, jungle, mid lane, bot lane, and support.

He recently returned to the bottom lane to get the highest rank in support, the only role in which he had not yet achieved it. Riot Games sent a massive package including handmade medals for the Twitch streamer as a token of their appreciation. Inside was a one-of-a-kind collection of medals, as well as a special display case with LEDs to highlight the medallions. Each medallion is carved to look like a Challenger-rank armor helmet, and it comes with a blue ribbon embossed with the date he achieved Challenger status in each duty. 

The Riot Games crew that delivered Tyler the box made a joke about his contentious past, explaining that the medals were exclusively for Challenger accounts that weren’t permanently banned. Tyler1 rose to prominence as a toxic personality before being permanently removed from the game and embarking on a long journey to redemption.

On Twitch, the once-banned streamer has now become the face of the world’s most popular game. Few players ever make it to Challenger, and even fewer can claim to have done so in different roles, much alone all five.

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