Reckful’s Cause of Death Ruled a Suicide

TwitchBeat - October 6, 2020
Reckful’s Cause of Death Ruled a Suicide

This past July, popular twitch streamer Byron Bernstein, aka Reckful passed away at the young age of 31. The said reason for his death was that he had taken his own life. Now, it has been confirmed by the Travis Country Medical Examiner that the official reason for his death was in fact suicide. Reckful was pronounced dead when the emergency service failed to resuscitate him. It was not clear how many hours may have passed before the emergency services responded.

Reckful had been stating and sharing publicly about his mental health struggles and that it was not a secret to his followers that he was struggling with depression. He even dropped hints on his Twitter account. It now looks like he was implying that he was going to do something. He stated; “ahh i feel bad for anyone who has to deal with my insanity”. Not too long after these kinds of tweets, it was reported that he had passed away. It was confirmed by his ex-girlfriend BlueGoesMew and his fellow streamer NymN.

His death has had a big impact on the Twitch streaming community and because of this, many content creators have released their statements about the situation of Reckful. Even World of Warcraft players paid tribute to him because Reckful was well known for playing this game.

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