Pokimane’s Dating Experience

Amiel Rose Andres - January 2, 2022
Pokimane’s Dating Experience

Popular Twitch streamer Imane Anys aka Pokimane enjoys telling her viewers different stories in order to connect with them. Although she prefers to keep her personal life private, she enjoys sharing her dating adventures with her fans. 

In one of her recent live streams, she revealed a particularly amusing and strange occurrence. She has previously discussed her dating experiences, but this one was particularly strange. This was a story about a guy she had been dating for around two to three years. She wanted to know his preferences in women while they were enjoying a casual conversation. However, the response perplexed her.

To her amazement, his reply was, “He’s like, ‘I just really don’t like girls with curly hair’”.

Poki, who had naturally curly hair, had no idea what was going to happen. In fact, he had indicated an interest in her as well. Pokimane while poking fun at the ordeal said, “You like me, but you don’t like people with curly hair, kek. You’re in for a treat!”

She was having a lot of fun reminiscing about the strange encounter, and she couldn’t stop laughing as she told the story. But she didn’t know how to respond to the guy’s statements at the time.

At the start of 2021, Pokimane overcame one of her biggest fears. She was hesitant whether or not she should show off her natural curly hair for fear of being shamed or mocked. To appear on streams, she used to straighten her hair. However, when she showed her natural hairstyle, she was taken aback by the outpouring of support and affection she received.

Despite the fact that Poki described a random and informal dating encounter, fans are obsessed with figuring out if “Kevin” is her secret boyfriend. In one of her most recent streams, a man named “Kevin” emerged out of nowhere. Despite the fact that fans would like to assume they are secretly dating, the pair has yet to make an announcement.

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