Pokimane States ‘Reasonable” Comment Regarding Twitch Gambling

TwitchBeat - June 28, 2021
Pokimane States ‘Reasonable” Comment Regarding Twitch Gambling

One of the most popular Twitch streamers and Twitch partner Imane Anys AKS Pokimane said during her recent streamer that she wants Trainwrecks and xQc to stop promoting ethically ambiguous and sketchy gambling sites on streaming platform Twitch because she believes its negative impact.

Twitch gambling streams has been subject to debate these past weeks with stream stars like MoistCr1tiKaL and Asmongold slamming them and others like xQc, Ludwig, and Trainwrecks defending them.

Pokimane also shared her thoughts regarding the said issue although she didn’t call out gambling streams specifically. Instead, she called out xQc and Trainwrecks promotion of sketchy gambling sites on their streams.

She started the discussion by saying that such players who get offers from casino sponsorships are already rich and millionaires, otherwise, they wouldn’t get them in the first place and said that she believes that these streamers have so many options available for them to gather, gain, and generate more income.

She said and elaborated her comment by saying that these streamers could promote any game and make decent money from it without hurting anybody. Many commended Pokimane for her reasonable explanation and said that she has a point and she is right, however the discussion regarding Twitch gambling has been going on for months now and it is unlikely to fade anytime soon.