Pokimane Shares Positive Impact of Stans

Amiel Rose Andres - November 23, 2021
Pokimane Shares Positive Impact of Stans

Pokimane is one of Twitch’s most popular streamers, and she has a very positive relationship with her fans. 

In a recent tweet, the Canadian streamer thanked internet stans for helping to make the streaming industry more inclusive for previously excluded cultures. Many large streamers echoed Pokimane’s comments on the matter, which prompted a lot of appreciation for followers on the internet.

Stans are frequently criticized on the internet for their obsessive devotion to their favorite streams. In fact, Pokimane recently screamed at an obsessive fan who kept prying into her personal life. That didn’t stop the streamer from acknowledging that stans were crucial in making the internet and streaming community more welcoming to women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals. 

She expressed her gratitude to the stans who had ardently supported streamers in various categories, making it a safe haven for them. Many streamers and followers shared their opinions, with the majority agreeing with Pokimane.

Apart from the customary laughter and adoration, there was considerable disagreement about the definition of the term “stan,” with many assuming Pokimane was referring to supporters in her post. 

Stans, according to most people, are fanatical fans who are bordering on poisonous. As a result, it’s understandable that some individuals found it hard to believe Pokimane thought such people were important in making the streaming community more inclusive. 

TSM Myth, a popular streamer, weighed in on the topic, claiming that excessively obsessive fans did nothing to improve the community for minority streamers. Leaving aside technicalities, most Twitter users concluded Pokimane was referring to fans when she wrote the comment. On that front, she naturally received a lot of help. Pokimane has never been one to shy away from expressing gratitude to her community, which may be one of the reasons why she receives so much affection in return.

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