Pokimane ‘PokiTwit’ Explained

Amiel Rose Andres - March 2, 2022
Pokimane ‘PokiTwit’ Explained

Pokimane is one of the most well-known female Twitch streamers and influencers. She is one of Twitch’s top five most popular female streamers.

Pokimane was recently the victim of a brutal hate raid conducted by a fellow streamer named Jidion. While Poki and Jidion resolve their feud in February 2022, the drama surrounding the hate raid has made Pokimane more sensitive to critics. As a result, the streamer has created a secret Twitter group that will only accept positive, like-minded, and loyal fans. PokiTwit is the name of the Twitter group.

Pokimane talked about why she established the group and gave a glimpse into the PokiTwit community in one of her most recent Twitch streams. She explained; “We made a little Twitter group. It’s the best thing that’s happened to me in 2022. Let me show you guys.”

She held her phone up to the camera and offered viewers a sneak peek of the private group. “It’s called PokiTwt, and it’s just all these cute community members posting cute sh*t.”

Pokimane was very dejected when the Jidion hate raid occurred in January 2022, as the hate raid prolonged and ended her stream early. Now, after the launch of her PokiTwit secret group, Pokimane said “It’s really nice because I’ve always wanted a way to build a community of people on Twitter that doesn’t constantly get invaded by a**holes. I feel like this is finally the way how. Because I don’t want to private my account.”

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