Pokimane Moving Back To OfflineTV House

TwitchBeat - March 22, 2021
Pokimane Moving Back To OfflineTV House

During one of twitch streaming star Imane Anys aka Pokimane’s live broadcasts, she admitted that she might be moving back to OfflineTv house. Pokimane was one of the four original members of OTV’s content group, but back in June 2020, she revealed that she was leaving the Offline TV house. Pokimane claimed that her move had nothing to do with Offline TV as she revealed that the former member of the offlineTV Fedmyster played a major role in why she was leaving the OTV house.

Fedmyster has been removed form the Offline TV house following multiple sexual abuse allegations from other members of the group. Of course, even though they still interact with each member on stream, Pokimane’s decision to leave the OTV house saddened her fans who loved seeing her surrounded by the crew. There was something special about seeing them all under the same room. But now, with Fedmyster gone in the OTV, it seems like Pokimane is now planning on moving back to the OTV house according to what she stated during one of her recent live broadcasts.

She stated; “I don’t know if it’s a bad idea to say it, but I’m going to say it. I might move back into the OTV house! On a day-to-day basis, I do like human interaction. So, maybe I’m just better off living with people. So I’m just like, fuck it, why not just live with OTV again? And I feel kinda hype!” She also added that it concerns her that if she was living alone or by herself, she might get super lonely so she concluded; “If I had a place to go to work, then I wouldn’t be sad. I feel way more confident and comfortable in my friend group now and I know people will come over and I can go visit people.”

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