Pokimane Has Regrets

Amiel Rose Andres - January 5, 2022
Pokimane Has Regrets

For many people, Twitch streaming is a hobby. And one of these streamers is Pokimane. On the Amazon-owned platform, she is one of the most popular female streamers. Her career as a Twitch streamer, on the other hand, may be one of her biggest regrets. 

In her most recent stream, Pokimane expressed her sorrow for being a Twitch influencer, saying, “I don’t know myself anymore.” Pokimane believes that streaming has robbed her of her youth and early twenties, as she has not traveled or explored as much as a normal 20-year-old should. 

She said; “The weird thing is I just woke up one day, and I had this immense feeling. I grew up streaming, I started streaming when I was 17 years old. And I never really allowed myself to have a normal life. One day I woke up and “Boom! ” I was 25, and I’d never really done the things I had planned to do. In your 20s, you’re supposed to explore yourself, the world, all that, and I felt like I’ve been static. All that basic sh*t. I thought, f**k, when do I get to live life?”

The Twitch community tried to cheer up Pokimane, who appeared lost and dejected, but she continued with her honest diatribe. She also told her fans that she plans to take more vacations and travel in the future. 

Pokimane also claimed to have “lost touch” with “everything that made [her] feel good.”

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