Pokelawls Shows Twitch Bounty Board

Amiel Rose Andres - December 12, 2022
Pokelawls Shows Twitch Bounty Board

Georgie “Pokelawls,” a Twitch streamer, encountered an interesting circumstance on December 12 during a broadcast. Viewers humorously suggested that the content creator get some fans to complete his Twitch bounties while he was testing out Twitch’s Guest Star feature.

Georgie unintentionally exposed his Twitch Bounty board while perusing the potential sponsorship opportunities. It was discovered that the streamer offered a variety of options, ranging from getting paid $992 to watch a minute-long movie to playing Genshin Impact for an hour with a prize of $7,365. 

At the 01:32 second mark of his December 12 livestream, Pokelawls was looking at Twitch’s Guest Star feature when a fan suggested that he ask his viewers to participate in his Twitch Bounties. In response, the streamer said: “‘Get viewers to do your bounties.’ Wait, I might have a bounty right now.”

Georgie was surprised to see two offers for games he wanted to play when he looked at his Twitch Bounty board. The 30-year-old unintentionally displayed the bounty screen while switching to the broadcast’s main screen. 

Three of the seven bounties that Georgie had waiting for him were still available. The resident of Toronto would receive $3,091 from one of the various bounties in exchange for 30 minutes of Fortnite play on the Doritos Triangle Island. Pokelawls briefly exposed his Twitch Bounty board before he screamed in fear: “Oh my god! I just… oh my god! I just f***ing… oh, oh! Delete it! Oh god, I didn’t even click that! I didn’t mean to click that! Oh no! F**k! F**k, f**k, f**k! I’ll delete the clips. Dude! Oh s**t! … Dude, I meant to open my Steam thing! Oh… we’re good.”

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