Pepe The Frog Creator Confused By Pepe Emotes

TwitchBeat - January 31, 2021
Pepe The Frog Creator Confused By Pepe Emotes

One of the most used memes of all time Pepe the Frog has been a fixture of Twitch chat spam. The creator Matt Furie was confused when he discovered that one of his creations Pepe the Frog became a fixture of Twitch chat.

Matt Furie originally created Pepe the Frog way back in 2005 for a comic series called Boy’s Club. Pepe has been used by many spreading throughout social media.

Content creator TriHex brought Matt Furie onto his livestream on January 30th and spoke about the documentary Feels Good Man. The documentary shows a chart and the story of how Pepe the Frog was created.

The discussion was mostly about the documentary and it then suddenly turned to how Pepe had become a huge part of the Twitch culture. He was then introduced to the use of Pepes on Twitch Chat. He admitted that he’s not seeing any images of Pepe in chat and admits that he’s only seeing the raw text that says “MonkaW”.

Chat and streamers suddenly laughed and some showed furie selections of Pepes emotes. Trihex then reassured Furie that Pepe’s emotes on Twitch chat were mostly for fun only and it is not used for any hateful connotations.

Furie was really surprised about the Pepe’s twitch emote on Twitch and soon thanked all of its users for using his work and said that he was glad to be part of Twitch culture.