Nocturne Bug Experience Of Scarra & His In-Game Team

TwitchBeat - June 18, 2021
Nocturne Bug Experience Of Scarra & His In-Game Team

Popular Twitch Streamer Scarra and his squad in Offline TV faced a unique situation during their recent game of League of Legends that caused their entire team to lose and disconnect.

Scarra and his team froze once their enemy Nocturne activated his ultimate. All of his allies encountered the same issue and their initial reaction was the eagerness to connect into the game as soon as possible so that they can still have the chance to take back the game and beat the other team.

Unfortunately, only Scarra’s team experienced the bug and the other team hadn’t been disconnected from the game at all. The game booted up but it was all too late for Scarra’s team because their opponents already breached the Nexus and finished the game.

The said error was first reported more than two weeks ago and it is believed that it occurs only when an enemy Nocturne uses his ultimate ability and according to a Reddit user, the said bug occurs when vision is taken away from the team during Nocturne’s ultimate.

The current issue has already caused problems by its users but according to the user, the current PBE patch already fixed the issue but sadly for Scarra and his team, there isn’t a chance or anything that can be done to get their game back.

However, the issue was already raised and it should be fixed soon.