Myth Ends Stream

Amiel Rose Andres - March 3, 2022
Myth Ends Stream

Myth, a popular Twitch streamer, slipped out early on his live before venting on toxic Valorant viewers and relentless stream snipers.

Myth’s attempt to leave Platinum met a snag when a regular stream sniper reappeared in his games. He said; “I have 2000 f**king viewers, just let me play the game. Why am I dealing with this?! I’m going to kill my own stream to not have to deal with this.”

The streamer has gained a lot of attention from the Valorant community throughout his career as a regular in Riot’s FPS. However, it can have negative side effects at times. Even a stream delay wouldn’t assist his cause, and putting out fires in his Twitch chat didn’t make him happy.

He said; “I’ll be playing Elden Ring tomorrow because I can’t play Valorant since I have dedicated stream snipers that get into every game I play. Sorry for the abrupt ending today, it’s impossible to enjoy myself while playing when the odds are instantly stacked against me. Then I also have to deal with brain-dead chatters that flame me because I’m not doing well in a match and I think I should go play Fortnite. F**k you, suck my balls, you are worthless.” 

The Twitch streamer was puzzled as to what game he should play to avoid stream snipers, and he may have discovered an answer with FromSoftware’s latest release. For the time being, Myth will travel to The Lands Between Elden Ring, where he will not, at the very least, be sniped. 

Apart from the trolls in Myth’s stream, Riot Games has been working hard to eliminate harassers and abusive behavior in its games. Players have been waiting for Riot to come up with a solution to the persistent trolls. However, big-name Twitch streamers like Myth may opt out of the title till then in order to prevent tilting in Valorant.

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