Mizkif Claims Viewers Are Hypocrites

TwitchBeat - October 5, 2020
Mizkif Claims Viewers Are Hypocrites

Mizkif reacted to viewers of Albert Chang aka Sleightlymusical calling them hypocrites. Albert Chang recently announced his return to stream after his long hiatus. He posted a video on his YouTube channel wherein he stated; “hey it’s been a while”. Some fans didn’t want to give Albert a second chance on streaming. Albert Chang took a break when it was discovered that he was cheating on his girlfriend Lilypichu, also a member of OfflineTV.

When the issue became controversial, Albert Chang released a statement where he apologized to Lilypichu  for breaking her trust and took full responsibility for what happened. He also stated that he will take a break on streaming to reflect on his wrong doings.

“Look at DrDisRespect—that dude came back, the ‘Two Time.’ People love the ‘Two Time’ and you guys are trying to say, ‘Oh Miz, you’re normalizing cheating.’ You fucking retards did that with DrDisRespect cheating on his wife multiple times. But I can’t say this guy is fine and he deserves a second chance”?

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