Ludwig’s Reaction To Third YouTube Ban

Amiel Rose Andres - December 6, 2021
Ludwig’s Reaction To Third YouTube Ban

Ludwig Ahgren has had a tough start on YouTube Gaming, with three DMCA-related stream suspensions in the last seven days, but the former Twitch star has managed to find the humor in the situation.

On December 5, the popular streamer received his third YouTube suspension since switching from Twitch last week. All three of his quick suspensions were DMCA-related, leaving the streamer perplexed after humorously declaring “not in this car” regarding copyright strikes when announcing his switch to YouTube in late November. 

Ludwig was suspended for the second time on Sunday, just six days after his defection. When he was slapped with the banhammer, the star was viewing YouTube videos and reacting, as is usual for his streams. Ludwig, of course, had the ideal reaction. He stated; “Guys, I just realized something big,” the newly-minted YouTuber said. “I actually have to make content on this website… I can’t just f**king reacts to things anymore!” Of course, Ludwig wasn’t really being serious about his future.

The former Twitch star has amassed a sizable and devoted following by giving his opinions on current events, videos, and broadcasts, as well as streamer crossovers. He has no plans to move away from that on YouTube, but the DMCA suspensions have him puzzled as to how to proceed.

Ludwig got right to work figuring out how to get around the YouTube DMCA issue. While he didn’t come up with a viable solution, he did come up with one humorous one. An hour after his suspension on December 5, the 26-year-old revealed his brilliant idea midway through his return stream. According to the Californian star, he can pull up “like five videos” at once, play them all, and the algorithm will be stumped. Ludwig went on to say that the YouTube bans aren’t the end of the world. In fact, he noted, these suspensions “aren’t so much bans, as just like, stream stops. They stop my stream, but I can just load it up again. Right now what I can do is react to whatever I want, then get this DMCA thing. Then I just restart my stream. It’s not great, really, but it’s something.”

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