Ludwig Calls Out Viewers

Amiel Rose Andres - February 7, 2023
Ludwig Calls Out Viewers

Ludwig, a YouTube gaming star, launched his channel from Japan on February 5th, 2023. He spent the first half of the program responding to viral videos and noted that some viewers were making fun of the artists’ appearances.

The crowd was promptly addressed by Ludwig, who advised them to keep their opinions to themselves. He stated: “You just, you keep it to yourself! Got to be socially aware here! All right?”

When Ludwig saw some viewers make remarks about one of the competitors in a Cut video titled Gen-Z Singles Reject Each Other on the Button, he turned his attention to them. He interrupted the video to address the crowd, saying: “Okay, I was waiting for it. (a viewer’s name), you stupid son of a b***h! Don’t just say forehead in all caps! Like, who are you as a human right now? You watched this, and you thought like, everybody else thought that maybe that specific hairstyle presents the forehead in a way, that’s like, a little bit aggressive. But as a human, you have to realize that and go, ‘Forehead!'” 

The host of Mogul Money Live advised viewers to keep some of their ideas to themselves: “Hey, it’s okay to be cringe here. I’m just worried if you keep expressing your cringe-ness here, you’re going to do it in the real world. Okay? So, use the opportunity to learn. All right? Let’s grow together here. Okay?” 

In his description of the “different levels” of comprehension, Ludwig listed the following as the first two: “You also got to know. Here, think this. Level one is forehead. Level two is, ‘Oh my gosh, I think that maybe her forehead looks large, so that’s probably an insecurity point for her because children don’t have a filter. She’s probably suffered a lot of attacks on her forehead size throughout the years, and she is just probably trying to own that and move past that.'” 

Following their discussion on the subject, the content creator added: “So then level three is, ‘I will bring it up to be nice so that she can progress through life without any more of that suffering because I’m an adult now.”

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