Joe Rogan Explains Why He Can’t Play Video Games

TwitchBeat - June 22, 2021
Joe Rogan Explains Why He Can’t Play Video Games

Podcast Giant Joe Rogan said that he can’t risk getting back into video games for the sake of his life.

Joe Rogan is a well-known star podcaster and UFC host. He recently spoke with an ex-pro Counter-Strike player and has acknowledged that he can’t return to playing video games because of the risk of drawing him in at the expense of activities and other people. He also mentioned his love for games like the NBA 2k series and Quake Champions.

He sometimes courted controversy with his attacks on video games and called it a “real problem” and “waste of time”. Rogan’s comment drew fire from many the gaming community including popular Twitch streamer Ninja and suggested that Rogan might be coming for a place of misunderstanding.

While interviewing Counter-Strike veteran Jordan Gilbert AKA “nothing”, he said and elaborated that he can’t have video games and that for him, it is like protecting his children from against wolves because it becomes this obsessive thing where it’s like he have got to protect the tribe and referred himself as a “simpleton” for being unable to limit his sessions. He said that he wish taht he wasn’t such a simpleton because if he could just fucking just play for like one hour and stop, he cannot and explained that at one hour, he start getting a better fell of wher his cursor is going and when he’s moving the mouse around, he get a better understanding of strafe jumping and where to aim with his rail gun and wasn’t able to do it because he’s “too dumb” and that he get too excited and that he get too locked in.

Addictions can be threatening since people who are prone to such behavior can find themselves playing at the expense of school, work, relationships, and even their bank account. The World Health Organization (WHO) considered and labeled gaming addiction a mental health disorder.

Joe Rogan’s comment could help draw attention to the addiction in gaming.