Indiefoxx Selling Twitch Clips

TwitchBeat - July 8, 2021
Indiefoxx Selling Twitch Clips

Controversial Hot tub and ASMR streamer Indiefoxx has seemingly found a new way to earn money while she was banned from twitch as she has recently announced that she will be selling her clips from her suspended account as NFTs.

In the end of the month of June, Indiefoxx handed her sixth ban from the platform which has resulted for her to lose her twitch partnership as well as the stream link in her twitter bio has also been removed.

Since the ban, hasn’t been allowed back on the platform and she has yet to explain what she was banned for or how long her suspension will last. Her twitch ban hasn’t stopped her from finding new ways to make money as she recently announced on twitter that she is now selling her clips as NFTs.

For those who didn’t know, the NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens are units of data called a blockchain that end up representing a digital item, such as a piece of art, a meme, or even clips from banned Twitch streamers.

In the announcement clip indiefoxx posted on her twitter account, she stated; “Hello simps. So, I know a lot of you guys have been asking about Indiefoxx NFTs. Well, they’re here! I have partnered with Eternal and they’re going to be helping me. NFTs are like digital trading cards like Pokemon, but of top Twitch moments from yours truly. They are now very limited! Limited edition now!”

So far, many of the moments that was showcased on the Eternal website aren’t of indiefoxx’s hot tub or performing ASMR. Instead, they feature IRL clips of Indiefoxx skateboarding, singing, and walking in the street. It’s not clear yet on how many other clips will be added to Eternal’s website or if some of Indiefoxx’s non-Twitch videos will make an appearance.

It’s still unclear whether indiefoxx will ever return to twitch as she hasn’t yet spoken about it even on her twitter posts.

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