How Markiplier Broke His Foot

TwitchBeat - February 22, 2021
How Markiplier Broke His Foot

Mark Edward Fischbach also known as Markiplier is an American YouTuber, gamer-commentator, actor, and comedian. He is also the co-founder of clothing company Cloak, along with fellow YouTuber Jacksepticeye and the co-host of the now defunct Unus Annus channel. He has now gained over 28.5 million subscribers on his youtube channel. On February 21st, Markiplier tweeted out that he; “Might’ve broken my foot”. This tweet was followed up with another tweet of him stating; “Yeah it’s broke.”

Markiplier is not new to pain and injuries as he experienced “cracking open” his skull playing on the stairs as a kid, breaking his forearm in two places, suffering from severe appendicitis, and he even had a “fist-sized” tumor removed from his adrenal gland around that same time. Markiplier went live shortly after he left the hospital as he addressed in his video that he suffered a Jones Fracture. A Jones fracture is the name often used for a fracture at the base of the fifth metatarsal, the bone on the outer side of your foot.

Jones fractures are one of the most common foot injuries and Markiplier was very vocal about how much discomfort he was in. He also shared on how he broke his foot as he claimed that when he was on a walk with his dog, Chica, he accidentally caught his foot in a storm drain and rolled his ankle, subsequently breaking the outer bone. Thankfully, it seems like Markiplier has received a lot of support from his fans to last him a lifetime and is recovering as best he can.

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