Hazord Lied

TwitchBeat - October 7, 2020
Hazord Lied

Twitch streamer, Hazord is known for playing games such as World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV Online. Towards the end of September, he claimed that he was suffering from Covid-19. Many of his fans, family and friends were worried about him causing them to donate to his channel higher amounts of donations in order to help him recover from the coronavirus and to help cheer him up.

However, after a few days, he posted out on Twitter saying that he’s been lying about many things. He also stated that he decided to take a break from streaming and that he’s planning to see a therapist. “I’ve made mistakes in my life and lied about too many things. I need help and I know it. I’m taking a whole month off from streaming/social media. I’m seeking a therapist and more…I’m sorry”.

He went on to explain the situation on the Twitter comment section. He said that he simply lied about having coronavirus and that he was ready to refund all the donations that were contributed to him. He claimed that he has loneliness issues and he just wants his future to be good. He therefore decided to see a therapist hoping that everything will be alright.

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