Fedmyster Delays Return to Twitch

TwitchBeat - June 24, 2021
Fedmyster Delays Return to Twitch

Former offlineTV member Federico Michael Gaytan better known as Fedmyster has recently announced that he will be returning to streaming after a year long hiatus from the platform. Fedmyster has been keeping a low profile ever since he was removed from the offlineTv house. He was removed from the OTV house after he was accused of sexual misconduct by the House Manager Yvonne Ng aka Yvonnie.

Then at the end of the year 2020, he wrote a document about his situation with another offlineTv member Pokimane. Since then, he hasn’t been streaming on twitch leaving fans wondering when he will return to streaming. Fedmyster answered these questions as recently he announced that he will set to return streaming as a screenshot taken from his private discord server. In the screenshot, a fan asked him whether the date mentioned in the push notification was the “real date” of his comeback stream or whether it was “another fake.”

But Fedmyster responded, saying, “It’s happening.” On June 23rd, Fedmyster went live but he left his fans confused and his critics furious as rather than kicking off with an official stream, Fedmyster instead played a seven-minute-long video detailing his life since his social media hiatus and announced that his true comeback would take place on June 25th.

The supposed to be first-ever stream following the allegations of sexual misconduct a year earlier of Fed, turned out to be a premade video Gaytan has prepared for this occasion in order to explain what he was doing during his absence and how he has changed. In the video, it focuses on Gaytan’s life during the past year with an intention to show what steps he has made to become better as a person.

He revealed that he has used most of this time to travel in order to “find himself” and to discover what is really important to him so that he can improve himself and become a better person. However, the video quickly came under criticism as many felt he was being dishonest and too self-centred rather than talking about the accusations and persons affected by his alleged behaviour, a topic which was largely ignored in the video.

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