Dr Disrespect Changes Mind

Amiel Rose Andres - March 25, 2022
Dr Disrespect Changes Mind

Epic Games took the risky choice to remove constructing entirely from Fortnite Season 2 for a limited time, and gamers are loving it – including infamous Fortnite critic and streaming prodigy Dr Disrespect.

The building has always been Fortnite’s differentiating element that sets it apart from other battle royale games, among a slew of other unique characteristics. Players have had to be great at out-building their opponents, sneaking in covert tweaks, and doing anything they could to get the better of (or get away from) their opponents, in addition to being able to shoot straight. 

While many players have always enjoyed it, the building part of the game became ‘too out of hand,’ and it became more difficult to compete. As a result, the no-building component of Season 2 has gotten a lot of press. 

There has been a lot of favorable feedback to the game being simplified to only gun versus gun, with streamers like Ninja and Tfue already becoming major fans of the game in its present state. While Dr. Disrespect has always been one of Fortnite’s harshest critics, even when the game was at its pinnacle and every top broadcaster was playing it 24 hours a day, it appears that he may be persuaded to change his mind.

He told Tfue, who requested that the adjustment be made permanent, “It was actually fun. Thought I’d never say that about Fortnite. Ever.”

Since the update, the Doc has been streaming some Fortnite again, and while he’s been irritated when pursuing single victories, he’s clearly enjoying it more than he used to. However, given the positive response to the modification, it would be intriguing to see if Epic Games decides to make the change permanent or maybe introduce it as a different mode.

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