DnellTv Attacked by Follower Bots

TwitchBeat - August 28, 2021
DnellTv Attacked by Follower Bots

A small partnered streamer on Twitch that goes by the name DnellTv has recently become one of twitch’s fastest growing streamers after the followers’ bots striked again.

In the past weeks, the “hate raids” have become the latest bots that are heavily impacting Twitch with many streamers calling out to the platform to take further action. Some streamers have being flooded with hundreds of messages at once with racial and homophobic slurs.

However, it turns out that there are still some streamers who have been experiencing an influx of follow bots. Twitch’s followers bots have been a problem in a long time now with streamers getting booted from a couple of viewers to hundreds of followers. This is what exactly has happened to a small streamer on Twitch that goes by the name DnellTv.

DnellTv is known for his NBA 2K streams garnering over 100k followers on his channel before getting struck by the followers bots. According to the chart of the ‘Fastest Growing Twitch Streamers’, DnellTv have become one of the of Twitch’s fastest-growing creators overnight as the streamer saw his follower count skyrocket to over 1.5 million followers.

While smaller streamers are specifically targeted with bots, there have been other instances where some of the biggest creators on Twitch become even bigger including Twitch streamer Adin Ross who also fell victim and received an extra 3 million followers.