Dizzy Returns From Hiatus

TwitchBeat - January 18, 2021
Dizzy Returns From Hiatus

Coby Meadows most commonly known online as Dizzy is without a doubt the best Apex Legends player. He was known for his antics in Apex Legends with thousands of viewers heading to his stream or whatever pro event he was playing in to watch him put on a show. He was one of the most well-known Apex pros ever released, even winning the very first Twitch Rivals Apex Legends Challenge.

Back in 2019, he stepped back from Apex esports and claimed that he would be focusing on streaming but then shortly after, back in July 2020, Dizzy left social media entirely. Now, Twitch streamer Dizzy has announced via a twitter post that he will be returning to streaming after his almost six months of disappearing from the internet. On his twitter post, he captioned “I’m coming back” with a twitlonger post of an explanation and a reason as to why he suddenly disappeared.

Dizzy claimed that he was ready to get back to streaming and would be playing mostly Valorant this time around instead of Apex. He stated on his twitlonger post; “I felt like I wasn’t performing and felt like I just let everyone down with my constant breaks and inconsistent play. I felt I had just burnt myself out”. Additionally, he went on to reveal that one of the big reasons he took a break from streaming was because a well known WoW streamer and good friend Reckful passed away in July 2020 and Dizzy was heartbroken over it. Dizzy will now be streaming on his twitch channel 4 PM EST on Monday, January 18th.