Disguised Toast Returned To Heartstone

Amiel Rose Andres - February 20, 2022
Disguised Toast Returned To Heartstone

Jeremy ‘Disguised Toast’ Wang achieved an amazing achievement in his triumphant comeback to Hearthstone, reaching Legend rank in less than three days despite not playing the game “seriously.”

Disguised Toast has gone a long way since he was mostly known as a Hearthstone player in the beginning. He’s now a pillar of the OfflineTV group and one of Twitch’s most popular variety streams.

On February 19, he went back to his origins by playing Hearthstone again. He not only proved he still has it by reaching Legend status in only three days, but he did so without taking himself too seriously. He said after defeating his opponent; “Damn! Less than a week. I’m back in Hearthstone Constructed, and I’m the 5999th best player in the world!”

It’s a throwback for lifelong Toast lovers, something many thought would never happen. “I just played Hearthstone ironically. It wasn’t a serious thing, but you know I needed to come back and flex a little bit.” He remarked adding that the game felt much faster than it used to, calling the pace “insane.” 

Nonetheless, he relished every moment of it: “It was fun having a challenge again. To have a goal and be like that, I’m going to try to reach this goal. I did have fun. Something about Hearthstone and me just makes for entertaining content.” 

Toast was a top performer in Hearthstone events around the world at the height of his career, winning the Red Bull Team Brawl in 2017. Since then, a lot has changed for him. He still has what it takes to be one of the finest players in the world — specifically, one of the top 6000.

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