Corinna Kopf Responds to The Accusations of Aircool

TwitchBeat - May 16, 2021
Corinna Kopf Responds to The Accusations of Aircool

Internet personality Corinna Kopf has hit back at the accusations towards twitch streamer Aircool after he came under fire as some viewers stated that he allegedly used a racist slur during a hot tub stream with Corinna Kopf and Alyssa Kulani. On May 14th, twitch streamer Aircool celebrated his birthday by doing a hot tub stream on twitch inviting popular names such as Corinna Kopf and Alyssa Kulani to participate. During the stream, they drank while entertaining their viewers.

Then at one point, twitch streamer Aircool tried his hand at a freestyle rap. The clip of the rap has now gone viral as some viewers claimed that they heard a racial slur while others also stated that it was just misheard as the streamer actually said “white dick a slangin.” Youtuber Def Noodles has also posted the clip in question claiming that twitch streamer Aircool says the n-word live on stream. In response to this, Corinna replied to Def Noodles’ tweet stating; “What kind of report is that? No, he didn’t say the N word. He said “dick a slangin” he’s drunk and he’s slurring his words. you can literally hear the “d”. stop running with these sh*t narratives.”

Because of this, Def Noodles posted again another video that showed a slowed version of the clip with a caption that wrote: “Some have been saying Aircool is saying a word that sounds similar to the n-word. This video does a slomo analysis of what Aircool is saying.” At the time of writing, Aircool’s Twitch channel remains available, so it doesn’t appear any action has been taken over the clip and twitch streamer Aircool has not responded to the accusation publicly.

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