Asmongold Returning To Twitch

TwitchBeat - March 10, 2021
Asmongold Returning To Twitch

Fans were thrilled as World of Warcraft Streamer Asmongold revealed that he will be returning to Twitch. Earlier in January, Asmongold announced that he was taking an indefinite break from streaming on Twitch in a tweet. He didn’t elaborate at length as to why he had chosen to take the break, but cited “several reasons” for the decision.

He tweeted out; “Going to be taking a break from streaming indefinitely. I’ve gone back and forth about this for the past few weeks which is why I’ve missed so many days. A lot of different reasons why, too much to list out in a tweet”. Despite being on an indefinite break, he still appeared on other people’s streams from time to time. However, the absence of his own content left a void on the platform, and his presence was sorely missed.

During one of Twitch streamer Mizkif’s live broadcasts together with other streamers including Asmongold, Mizkif asked him when he is going to return to streaming, and he responded stating; “Stay tuned, stay tuned. I don’t want to say the date because I’m going to make an announcement, but it’s going to be very soon.” Now, on Asmongold’s March 9th tweet, he announced the exact date and time of his return which is on March 16th at 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM CST. Asmongold wrote on twitter, “Streams will resume one week from today on March 16th. Starting at the usual time, 9-9:30ish AM CT. We have a lot to talk about!”

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