Asmongold Considering Security

TwitchBeat - May 29, 2021
Asmongold Considering Security

Twitch streamer Asmongold announced that he, together with the OTK organization, might be hiring a security guard after Twitch streamer and OTK member Mizkif got harassed during an IRL stream. Stream snipers have been a big problem for many streamers these days. During Mizkif’s recent IRL live broadcast, he has been harassed by a stream sniper as they brought up Miz’s history with the infamous live streamer Ice Poseidon. In the stream, Mizkif together with other streamers including sodapoppin and hasanabi shopping for a new Porsche on Twitch.

They were looking at a cherry-red prospect when suddenly, a random stranger showed up who was seemingly streaming himself as he walked right up to apparently try and confront them. Mizkif went on to nicely ask the stranger if he was also shopping for a Porsche but then the stream sniper or stranger got confrontational and brought up Mizkif’s history with Ice Poseidon. The stranger stated; “Brother man, you better stop pretending like you’re something you ain’t. IP2 always f*****g wins, let’s f*****g go.” The next day after the incident of Mizkif, OTK member and a twitch streamer Asmongold said on his stream that his group was considering hiring security for any future IRL streams to prevent the recent incident of Mizkif from happening again in the future. While he admitted stream sniping wasn’t technically an “invasion of privacy” since IRL streams typically take place in public, they can still be plenty freaky for the target streamer.

Here’s what he said; “Yeah it was really unfortunate, we’re gonna have to hire security probably in the future if we wanna do stuff like that. The stream sniper stuff can be funny to an extent, but the truth is that you never know who’s going to be sniping you, and it’s actually really weird and uncomfortable. Imagine somebody watching you on a broadcast, and then triangulating your location, and then driving to your location, in person, to like, interact with you. That would make anybody I think uncomfortable; it’s funny as a viewer, but as a streamer it’s unnerving.”

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