Asmongold Asks Streamers to Challenge DMCA Laws

TwitchBeat - May 29, 2021
Asmongold Asks Streamers to Challenge DMCA Laws

Popular World of Warcraft streamer and the OTK co-founder Asmongold has recently called out his fellow streamers to come together and challenge the DMCA laws after a new wave of strikes. The twitch have recently sent an email out to all streamers on its platform informing the streamers regarding an incoming wave of DMCA takedowns. The email was detailed about what was happening and what streamers should do to prepare themselves as these notices begin to release.

Because of this, it has spawned reactions from all over the Twitch community, with many calling for reform. Now, WoW Twitch streamer and OTK co-founder Asmongold shares his opinions and action regarding the DMCA takedowns. Asmongold posted a tweet calling out for changes to copyright law surrounding this very issue as he says that content creators spanning multiple platforms should lobby lawmakers to get these laws changed, while offering a cheeky aside to suggest many companies looking to keep these laws on the books are potentially bribing said politicians. Then he goes on to mention that this entire situation is “ridiculous,” and that the issue is based on laws that are no longer applicable.

Some users have supported Asmongold, however, they also acknowledged that this could be difficult. Some called for some form of a union for streamers and content creators, while others mentioned this would be a fruitless effort without financial backing. Asmongold’s words may carry some weight with his community, and if larger streamers begin to push back and demand better laws surrounding copyright infringement, Twitch might also follow suit.

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