Among Us Emergency Button Used

TwitchBeat - October 1, 2020
Among Us Emergency Button Used

The game AMONG US is very popular to streamers on Twitch these days. In the game, emergency meeting is called when a player is sure about someone being the imposter and they then vote them out. In Pokimane’s stream, she was playing Among us together with co-streamer Disguised Toast.

Disguised Toast used the emergency button for a different reason. He shared with the crew that they should skip for ten seconds. His intention for emergency meeting was to hint that he was innocent and not the imposter. He stated to the crew; “I was the first one to do keys and when I left there the taskbar went up so you know I’m innocent so I don’t want to hear any susses on me this game”.

This led to a suspicion of the other Crewmates that Disguised Toast was one of the imposters. But from the point of view of Pokimane’s fans, Pokimane is clearly the imposter and Toast was innocent. The rest of the crewmates voted for Disguised Toast to be eliminated while the other three members just skipped the voting altogether.