Twitch Streamer ‘AmericanDad’ Receives Dog Poop From a Viewer

TwitchBeat - July 7, 2021
Twitch Streamer ‘AmericanDad’ Receives Dog Poop From a Viewer

A twitch streamer that goes by the name AmericanDad was left in disgust after opening a gift from a viewer which turns out to be a literal poo. Opening a gift that was sent by a viewer or a fan really makes for entertaining content for streamers on the platform.

This way, the streamers allows their fans to interact with them in a unique way. However, it also allows viewers to pull hilarious pranks on their favorite influencers too. Some twitch streamers have been receiving strange gifts from their fans or viewers such as body pillows, costumes and more.

But then, this was probably the weirdest gift to be ever received by a streamer as twitch streamer AmericanDad has recently revealed that he received a gift from a viewer with poop inside of the box. On July 7th, AmericanDad uploaded a clip from one of his recent broadcasts to his twitter account.

In the clip, it showed him opening up a box sent in from a viewer and the box came with a strange note that reads; “I think you’re going to need a plunger for this one.”

As the streamer started to open the box, he immediately smells the disgusting smell inside of the box as he exclaimed; “This actually smells like s**t. This actually smells like a turd. Is there f**king poop in here, bro?” It turns out that this was, indeed, the case, prompting the streamer to cover his nose with his shirt and dispose of the package’s contents after conscripting his friend to back him up.

Shortly after, AmericanDad followed up his tweet explaining that he’d banned the viewer responsible for the poopy present, noting that they hadn’t said anything in the chat until he opened up the box on stream. Regardless, he also stated that even though it was gross and disgusting, it is still kind of funny.