War Of Words Continues Between Tfue And Ninja

TwitchBeat - April 26, 2020
War Of Words Continues Between Tfue And Ninja

During a charity tournament, Turner Tenny aka Tfue made the mistake by accidentally leaking the code. The said code is required to get into the participants private group chat.

The charity tournament was organized by  YouTuber Jimmy Donalson aka Mr Beast  to raise funds for COVID-19 relief. It has featured many popular streamers such as Ninja, Tfue and Nadeshot. The participants decided to redirect their viewers into MrBeast’s YouTube channel instead of streaming into their own channel. However, Tfue ignored the decision and streamed the tournament into his channel too.

Tfue posted an apology on Twitter to MrBeast for leaking the said code. That’s when the war of words between Ninja and Tfue began. Ninja also posted on Twitter saying; “Dude Turner leaked the code to the private chat while he’s streaming.” Then Tfue fired back and said that Ninja is a pssy.

Ninja’s wife Jessica Blevins joined in after Ninja got some hate on social media for fighting  Tfue. She said; “Turner was live streaming that he leaked it and continued to. It was out people. His whole chat was spamming ‘let’s blame Ninja’ ,so yeah, we took control before those rumors popped off.”

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